K-12 Education


Our students and faculty collaborate with local schools and communities to support children in the foster care system, 研究家庭在低收入家庭学生教育中的作用, 加强儿童福利和早期教育服务之间的伙伴关系.

This commitment to accessibility continues through campus initiatives and community programs that empower high school and college students. The Center for Multicultural Excellence brings K-12 students from low-income and underrepresented groups to campus to take part in events that inspire their learning and prepare them for a college career.



Students and faculty at our Graduate School of Social Work partnered with 36 schools in the Denver Public Schools system for the 聚焦成功 program, which works to lessen the rate of out-of-school suspensions that disproportionately affect students of color and increase their risk for contact with the criminal justice system. 该计划的目标是确定更有效的纪律策略, help end the school-to-prison pipeline and give students a better chance to contribute to our shared community.

DU Day of Action
DU Day of Action

The DU Day of Action is a campus and community partnership that provides a daylong college experience for local elementary school students and their families. The program aims to make college seem more tangible to children coming from lower-income families, 他们中的许多人并不认为上大学是一个现实的选择.


Students from the Ritchie School of Engineering and Computer Science collaborated with three Denver high schools to give students a special screening of the film Hidden Figures in the hopes of encouraging girls and young women, 尤其是有色人种, 追求工程方面的事业, technology and math. The screening was followed by a conversation with IBM executive and DU alum Carita Watso, 以及里奇学校的在校生托尼·邓拉普和汉娜·阿潘.

The Hour of Code

Our computer science students partner with Denver Public Schools for the Hour of Code program, 他们在哪里和小学生一起工作, imparting their skills and their passion to a generation for whom computer science will be an increasingly important part of life.

Campus Initiatives


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    The 卓越领袖学院 encourages an open and inclusive environment for students from diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds as they transition to DU. The institute supports incoming first-year students as they transition from high school to college. 除了与我们的教师密切合作, participants have the opportunity to build friendships that will last throughout their college careers.

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    The 黑人男性倡议峰会 promotes leadership and academic achievement for eighth- and ninth-grade black male students. School leaders from across Denver nominate students with strong leadership qualities and personal characteristics of excellence. DU students lead engaging and interactive workshops attended by participants like Denver Mayor Michael Hancock.

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    科罗拉多州领导促进平等, Advocacy and Discovering Social Justice (CO-LEADS) brings college students together from across Colorado to discuss social justice and change, 行动主义和倡导. Students participate in workshops that allow them to explore their roles in systems of privilege and oppression to deepen their understanding of their own and others' identities.


Educational Events

As a center of Denver's learning community, we host events that address local education issues. 其中包括“保持梦想永存”会议, 哪个调查了无证大学生的需求, 以及一年一度的多样性峰会, where students, faculty and community members unite to advance our commitment to academic inclusion and excellence.

Other events bring K-12 students to campus to participate in academic events in a venue that will inspire them. These events include the Denver Urban Debate League's city championships and the Colorado Geography Bee state finals. Our graduate students collaborate to enrich science and math education in the DU community by helping organize Colorado's middle school MATHCOUNTS competition.

These events and others make DU a place where all of Denver comes to learn and engage with their community.